Salmo schiefermuelleri Bloch

May Trout (Salmo schiefermuelleri)

This is a quite enigmatic species, described in 1784, whose taxonomic status isn’t clear.

The May Trout is rather known from anecdotes about trouts that inhabited the deep parts of the lakes within the Danube basin in Austria, and which only in the month of May appeared in shallow waters to breed.


The status of this species, as said above, is far from being clarified, if it indeed was a distinct species it appears to be extinct now.


Depiction from: ‘Marcus Élieser Bloch: Ichthyologie; ou, Histoire naturelle des poissons: En six parties avec 216 planches dessinées et enluminées d’après nature. Berlin, chez l’auteur 1796

(public domain)


edited: 11.06.2020