Tag Archives: Arenaria

Arenaria oligosperma Naudin

Many-seeded Sanwort (Arenaria oligosperma)

The Many-seeded Sanwort was probably described in 1846 (the author is sometimes given as C. Gay).

The species was apparently endemic to a small area in the IV Coquimbo Region of northern Chile and appears to be lost or even extinct.



[1] Clodomiro Marticorena; Francisco A Squeo; Gina Arancio; Mélica Muñoz: Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de la IV Región de Coquimbo. Libro Rojo de la Flora Nativa y de los Sitios Prioritarios para su Conservación: Región de Coquimbo (F. A. Squeo, G. Arancio y J. R. Gutiérrez, Eds.) Ediciones Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile 7: 105-142. 2001


edited: 14.04.2019

Arenaria radians Benth.

Radiated Sandwort (Arenaria radians)

The Radiated Sandwort was endemic to Ecuador, where it apparently was restricted to the vicinity of the Chimborazo volcano.

The species is known from the type material only which was collected in 1841 or 1842, there is, however, some additional material, which, despite being very similar, seems not to belong to that species.

The Radiated Sandwort may be extinct, or may be identical with another species, Arenaria dicranoides Kunth. 


edited: 14.04.2019