Tag Archives: Pampusana sp.

Pampusana sp. ‘Efate’

Efate Ground Dove (Pampusana sp.)

This form is known on the basis of subfossil remains that indicate a bird of similar size to the Friendly Ground Dove (Pampusana stairi (Gray)), a species that inhabits the islnds of western Polynesia.

The Efate Ground Dove was sympatric with the still existing smaller Santa Cruz Ground Dove (Pampusana sanctaecrucis (Mayr)). [1]



[1] Trevor H. Worthy; Start Hawkins; Stuart Bedford; Matthew Spriggs: Avifauna from the Teouma Lapita site, Efate Island, Vanuatu, including a new genus and species of megapode. Pacific Science 69(2): 205-254. 2015

Pampusana sp. ‘Tubuai’

Tubuai Ground Dove (Pampusana sp.)  

This form is known from subfossil remains that were recovered from archaeological deposits on the island of Taubuai, Austral Islands. [1]

The Tubuai Ground Dove may be identical with one of the congeneric forms that had been found on the island of Rurutu, also in the Austral archipelago.



[1] Trevor H. Worthy; Robert Bollt: Prehistoric birds and bats from the Atihara Site, Tubuai, Austral Islands, East Polynesia. Pacific Science 65(1): 69-85. 2011


edited: 09.03.2020

Pampusana sp. 2 ‘Rurutu’

Rurutu Ground Dove (Pampusana sp.)  

This is another species from the genus Pampusana (formerly Alopecoenas) that is known from subfossil remains found on the island of Rurutu, Austral Islands. [1]



[1] David W. Steadman; Robert Bollt: Prehistoric Birds from Rurutu, Austral Islands, East Polynesia. Pacific Science 64(2): 315-325. 2010


edited: 09.03.2020

Pampusana sp. 1 ‘Rurutu’

Rurutu Ground Dove (Pampusana sp.)  

This up to now undescribed ground dove species is known exclusively from subfossil remains that were found on the island of Rurutu, Austral Islands.

The species shared its home island with another congeneric species. [1]



[1] David W. Steadman; Robert Bollt: Prehistoric Birds from Rurutu, Austral Islands, East Polynesia. Pacific Science 64(2): 315-325. 2010


edited: 09.03.2020