Curculionidae gen. & sp. ‘Mo’orea’

Moorean Cossonine Weevil(s) (Curculionidae gen. & sp.)

At least five genera/species assignable to the weevil subfamily Cossoninae are known from subfossil pronota found in deposits on the island of Mo’orea, Society Islands.

These remains belong to species of very different dimensions; the largest of them being almost nine times as large as the smallest.



[1] Jennifer G. Kahn, Cordelia Nickelsen, Janelle Stevenson, Nick Porch, Emilie Dotte-Sarout, Carl C. Christensen, Lauren May, J. Stephen Athens, Patrick V. Kirch: Mid- to late Holocene landscape change and anthropogenic transformations on Mo‘orea, Society Islands: A multi-proxy approach. The Holocene 1-15. 2014


edited: 31.10.2020